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"Релиз FreeBSD 14.0"
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. "Релиз FreeBSD 14.0" +/
Сообщение от Аноньимъ (ok), 22-Ноя-23, 09:33 
Тем временем в рассылке:

I read the man pages, I read the forum post, which doesn't help shit when the next crap you run into is this:

  ZFS: unsupported feature: com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_vs

Nothing should break this bad during a simple upgrade and then have the guy responsible for the documentation to make a fucking blog post about the missing documentation on the website:

"but there are a few last-minute issues which deserve to bedocumented — probably somewhere on the FreeBSD website, but I canpost to my blog much faster and hopefully we'll get these onto the FreeBSDwebsite later."

Oh, and let's not forget this one:

"stand: Fix oversight in updating OpenZFS: Add com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_v2com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_v2 is a new feature that the last OpenZFSimport brought in. It needs to be on the list of supported features, butthat update didn't happen so I woke up to a mailbox with multiplecomplaints."

Thank you very much! Amazing work.

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Релиз FreeBSD 14.0, opennews, 21-Ноя-23, 07:52  [смотреть все]
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