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"Выпуск SFTP-сервера SFTPGo 1.0"
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. "Выпуск SFTP-сервера SFTPGo 1.0" +1 +/
Сообщение от drakkan (ok), 10-Июл-20, 10:46 
>[оверквотинг удален]
> one might create username with 256 characters and regarding password's hash
> length - I should take my words back since I see
> you keeping in a database just a hash, which is great,
> so password itself can be a really long.
> Now my favorite Go collection advanced with sftpgo in addition to fzf,
> algernon, syncthing, croc and others ;)
> BTW, do you have any plan to support FreeBSD ?
> And the last question: Is it possible to make windows version as
> a portable instead of requiring to install it, so it can
> be used on demand by a standard user?


in V3 migration the password field was converted from varchar(255) to text

changing username length from 255 to 256 is a good suggestions, thank you.

FreeBSD is untested but should work, I cannot automatically run test cases on it (as I do for Linux, Windows and macOS) since CI system does not support it. I'll do a quick test locally myself.

Regarding the portable windows version I could add support for it in future, meantime you can simply download and use the build artifact automatically generated for each commit, the ones matching 1.0.0 version are here:

If you want to track these suggestions please open GitHub issues.
Thank you for your ideas, very appreciated

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Выпуск SFTP-сервера SFTPGo 1.0, opennews, 08-Июл-20, 16:12  [смотреть все]
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