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Эксперимент с использованием SQLite в качестве контейнера для архивирования файлов, opennews (??), 25-Мрт-24, (0) [смотреть все]

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88. "Эксперимент с использованием SQLite в качестве контейнера дл..."  –1 +/
Сообщение от DZgas (?), 26-Мрт-24, 11:39 
  👍 прект наебалго, разница скорости между Ним и 7zip zstd примрено 15% по скорости, то есть, проект pack не создаёт ни хэша файла, ни фаловой иерархии внутри. И поэтому на примерно 15% быстрее
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91. "Эксперимент с использованием SQLite в качестве контейнера дл..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от O (?), 26-Мрт-24, 13:17 
File hierarchy is implemented using recursive ID. In Item table, every Item gets linked to its parent by Parent field. On unpacking, they will be queried and verified.

The hash of any compressed data is already stored and verified at the unpack step. It does not have an extra field, as it is stored together with the content.

Each file or piece of data gets separated and/or joined with others as content, then compressed if seen as beneficial. Zstandard (the internal compression algorithm) uses xxHash together with a header to verify decompression.

On unpacking, all needed Items (files or folders) get queried and checked, followed by all the ItemContents and related Contents. Each gets verified to be the correct size to prevent invalid memory access, and if decompression is needed, they will be double verified with their corresponding hash.

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